Monday, September 24, 2012

Realistic Zombie Story Based Roleplay

I had a roleplay like this that died due to my co gm having to much on his plate. He backed out. It didn't get many hits. I was thinking of revamping it so that I could work on it myself.

Basically this would be a zombie roleplay that takes place in a fictional world almost identical to this one. meaning all places and hometowns are fictitious.

It would surround surviving more than defeating zombies. I plan on making this as realistic as possible. Meaning ammo shortages, needs to eat and drink, gunshots alerting zombies... ect ect.

I was wondering how many would be interested in this if I took the time to revamp?

Its better to ask forgiveness... than permission


drew brees nfl news tebow tebow jets romney etch a sketch jeb bush sherry arnold

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